Woodside is a big and busy school! Please keep checking your emails, our website/calendar and our Twitter regularly for updates.
Woodie News February 2025
Our Parent Council are always on the look out for new parents and an extra pair of hands, so if you are able to offer any help or support, big or small, please get in touch by emailing them on
We are aware that some parents are experiencing difficulty in submitting permission for school activities on ParentsPortal. If this is the case, please try the following -
All school and class communication is issued via the ParentsPortal app. In order to receive all information, see report cards, grant permissions etc parents must sign up for this as a matter of urgency. Our office staff can help if you are having difficulty completing this, just get in touch. Please click here to get started, thank you.
This is our platform for making payment for school meals, milk, trips and school activities. Please note that access to ParentsPay can be found on your ParentsPortal app.
Please note that children in P6 & P7 pay for lunches and we ask that you keep a credit balance on your ParentPay account at all times, account balances are monitored and debt is chased up regularly. Children in P1-5 should NOT add funds to their school meals payment option on your ParentPay account. All pupils need a credit balance to book any milk for lunchtimes. Any new families will be issued with ParentPay codes, please action immediately to allow you access to ParentPay. You may be eligible to apply for free meals by clicking here for the SLC link
We have a selection of pre-loved uniforms used to change 'muddy' children and for all our families free of charge. If your child/ren require a top up of any of their school uniform, please pop into the office or give us a call and we'll do our best to help. We are currently short of polo shirts and trousers in smaller sizes. If you can help please hand in any donations to the school office. Remember, donations of other clothing can be placed in our clothing bank in the car park behind the Sainsburys at Portland Place, this helps with our schools fundraising.
Dear Parents, Carers, Children and Friends,
Welcome to our vibrant and informative website and Twitter feed!
I am certain that it will give you a taste of our lovely, big school, our dedicated staff team, and our very enthusiastic children!
We love to be busy in Woodside. We like to feel that we are hardworking and achieving, caring and mindful of helping others, and we also reckon that being happy and having fun in school, supports our learning.
Our photo gallery is proof of that and will tell some of these stories!
We are also delighted in Woodside to be well supported by our parents and carers, and our fab Parent Council always come up with some amazing ideas for fundraising, helping us to provide exciting experiences for our learners.
Finally, and most importantly, we are proud of the quality of relationships existing in Woodside.
We are one team, one big family, and this is core to any work we endeavour to do.
I do hope you will enjoy browsing, reading, learning about, and capturing the infectious life and ethos of Woodside!
Warm wishes,
Elaine Renwick