Curricular Newsletters School Newsletters School Publications/Policies
Woodside Primary School Johnstone Road Silvertonhill Hamilton ML3 7JR
Phone.   Fax.        01698 428420 Email.
01698 427811
Important Information
       Primary 1 Transition   

       Primary 7 Transition       
Parents Portal - This is our main means of communication with our families. Parents should sign up to ensure you receive all communication, access reports cards, book parent's night appointments, grant permissions, update contact information, access school newsletters and view our calendar.

ParentPay - Woodside became a cashless school on 25th February 2019 and we are very proud of our 100% record of activated pupil accounts. This facility means parents/carers pay for school items such as school dinners, milk, activities and trips online. Parents should activate their ParentPay account using the codes issued to each child by the school. A few points to note :

  • School meals - you do not need to ‘book’ any lunches, the children will do this each morning in class.
  • Milk – this needs to be pre-booked online before 9.30am after you have added credit to your child’s milk account, otherwise they will not get any milk. You can book this up to 2 weeks in advance. Please note however if your child is absent from school you will need to unbook it otherwise you will still be charged.
  • When a pupil orders a lunch it is charged to your account whether or not it has any credit so parents should maintain a credit balance on their account. We monitor account balances on a regular basis and we ask that parents do the same. You can set up alerts to notify you of low balances.
  • Please go to our 'Parent Area' tab for some quick links to help you with using your account.

Pupil Absence - if your child is going to be absent from school, please telephone the school before 9.30am advising the reason for their absence and their expected date of return to school. A member of our office staff will contact you, or your emergency contacts, if we have not been notified of any absences.

Holidays during term time - family holidays should be avoided during term time as this both disrupts your child’s education and reduces learning time. If holidays are taken during times when the school is open, parents should inform the school in advance by letter.

Contact Information - please ensure you advise the school office of any change to your contact details or address. A change of address form can be downloaded and printed from our 'About Us' page. 

Pupils Personal Belongings - lost property continues to be an on-going issue unfortunately, with a lot of time spent looking for lost uniform and lunch boxes etc. We ask that parents ensure that ALL their children's uniform/lunch boxes/water bottles are clearly marked with their name and reiterate the importance of children being responsible for their belongings. Lost property can be found at the stairwell doors at primary 1. Unclaimed lost property will be added to our pre-loved stock if not collected after one month.

Google Classroom - classes use Google classroom for accessing pupil homework. Please click on these links for guidelines on accessing it.
Google Classroom and using the Google Classroom App

After School Arrangements - if there are any changes from the normal to your child/rens' after school/pick up/bus arrangements, can parents please send a note in for the class teacher.. If you need to advise your child of a last minute change of plan please phone the school before 2.30pm to allow sufficient time to pass on the information. The office can be very busy at the end of the day and this avoids us trying to contact parents at 3pm at short notice to clarify any arrangements.

School Transport - Please note that parents must apply to SLC for a place on the school bus before the transition to primary school and then again to secondary school. Once a place has been granted, children can only travel on the allocated bus and must not move between the other buses. If your child has a place on the school bus and you move address or school, you will need to reapply to SLC for transport. You child cannot travel on the bus until the new place has been confirmed. Parents of pupils who think they may be eligible for school transport, should apply online here.
Pupils who are entitled to free school transport can find information on pick up times for each of the three routes by clicking here

Playground Safety -The safety of our pupils in the playground is extremely important to us and parents/carers are not permitted in the school playground. They should stand clear of the school gates at 9am and 3pm to allow the safe entry and exit of our children. Members of staff will be at each of the 3 entrances to the playground from 8.45am and we would ask parents to drop children off at these points. If you need to speak to a member of staff please call into the office through the main gate only. 

Administration of Medicine - we can only administer prescribed medication in school and parents must complete a form before we can do this. A copy of the form, including the privacy notice, can be found on our 'About Us Page' so you can print it off and complete in advance if that is easier. 

School LunchesPlease remember that all pupils in P1-5 are entitled to free school meals. With effect from 3/4/23 school meals are £2.17 for all pupils in P6-7, and milk is 30p. All school meals/milk must be paid via ParentPay as our school is cashless. If you are in receipt of any benefits you may be entitled to free school meals for your child/ren, information on this can be found on both our and South Lanarkshire Council's websites.

Toast-n-Go - We currently offer a 'toast-n-go' service every morning. It is available between 8.30am and 8.55am and is free of charge to all pupils. There is no need to pre-book and children who wish to attend should arrive through the Johnstone Road gate only and enter the dining hall from the main playground. Once they have collected their toast, children will remain outside in the playground until the bell rings. Parents should be aware that the playground has no adult unsupervision until 8.45am.

Rights Respecting School

Here at Woodside we are working towards our Rights Respecting School Accreditation. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is an international human rights treaty that grants all children under the age of 18 a set of comprehensive rights. The rights are made up of 54 Articles, with Articles 43-54 stating how parents/ carers and governments should work together to fulfil these rights. Articles 1- 42 explain each right that every child is entitled to. For example, Article 28- the right to an education, Article 8- the right to an identity. In school we have been exploring some of these articles through Assemblies and we have a Rights Reinforcers Pupil Voice Group who are highlighting these rights in different ways around the school.


Our Woodside Tree

We all just love our special Woodside tree! This marked the opening of our new school on 26th March 2015. It was commissioned by our Parent Council as a feature which would live and grow in Woodside forever! Local artist, Laurie McCrone, (who has special links with Woodside, as she was heavily involved in our transport situation during our decant) brought our idea to life…and our tree was born!
The idea is, that everyone in our school – children, staff, support staff, senior leadership, janitor, dinner ladies and cleaning staff engrave a leaf each with their name. As our P7s prepare to leave Primary School, their leaves are removed and presented to them at their Summer Leavers’ Service. In their place, our newest pupils P1s leaves are added, and so the tree is forever in blossom, and will continue to do so in the years to come.

Mrs Jan McKeran 08.11.17 - Woodside’s Head Teacher August 2002 - December 2017